Learn Office 2007-2016

by AlienDroid

Books & Reference


Learn Office facilitate you in word processing, data, figures and presentation

Adapun fungsi dari aplikasi ini adalah sebagai latihan pengolah kata sehingga semua pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan kata dapat dilakukan dengan aplikasi ini seperti:- membuat surat- membuat tabel- membuat tulisan dengan berbagai variasi (word Art)- memasukan gambar- dan membuat dokumenAplikasi ini juga digunakan untuk tutorial pengolahan data berupa angka dan sangat membantu akuntan, administrasi ataupun untuk perusahaan yang membutuhkan pengolahan angka. Melalui aplikasi ini perkantoran bisa dengan mudah menyusun laporan keuangan maupun laporan pengolahan aritmatika lainnya.Dan selain itu tutorial ini sering digunakan untuk presentasi pendidik, pelajar, trainer ataupun manager perusahaan, keperluan presentasi, mengajar, dan untuk membuat animasi sederhana.The function of this application is a word processing exercise so that all the work associated with word processing can be done with this application such as:- Create a letter- Create table- Create text with different variations (word Art)- Includes image- And create documentsThis application is also used for data processing tutorial very helpful in the form of numbers and accounting, administration or for companies that require processing numbers. Through this application the office can easily prepare financial statements and other reports arithmetic processing.And besides that, this tutorial is often used for presentations educators, students, trainers or managers of companies, for presentation, teaching, and to create simple animations.Simple GUI

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Microsoft Office Work good for using PC but Work in Android Creat a some problems

Shahid Dilbar Manj

not use this these are scamer fraud

abrak ismail

Wiord office3

Mercy Mushi

Review readers like me? SWEET, then watch out for these reviews. Not only on this app but I've been noticing how these reviews are kinda starting to looking suspicious. as in maybe a new job is placed out in the fast growing technology world. It feels like people are being paid to put FAKE REVIEWS. something just feels off. awareness is a start though we are already way too far gone but we can try our best not to be duped any more then we already are πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈ

Babydoll Callaway


A Google user

saya suka pakai sebab dia senang untuk di gunakan...cepat dan mudah......?????

A Google user

Good app... APPRECIATE ITπŸ‘

Lhendup Tshering

I well try.....

Gary Esparis

Good app

A Google user

Good app.

Dr.Kamal Basar